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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Greensboro College Alumni PrideNotes December 2013

(Cities are in NC unless otherwise noted.)
Frances Kendrick Springs 1954, Mount Holly, taught for 30 years and got great pleasure from teaching and touching the lives of children. She is grateful to GC for giving her a wonderful education.
Rachel Gobbel Norment 1955, Greensboro, has written a second book, Dream Explorations: A Journey in Self-Knowledge and Self-Realization, which was published in September. The book illustrates through discussion of personal dream series how dream wisdom can guide you towards spiritual growth and physical and psychological health and wholeness. She introduces various contemporary dream work concepts, terminology, and ways of "working" with and "honoring" dreams. She hopes to teach and inspire through personal examples how you can begin to understand the messages from your dreams. This information comes from deep within one's psyche and is made visible through the symbols and metaphors in the dreams. The book is available through Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Balboa Press, and local bookstores.
Dr. William H. Hagen Jr., 1965, Northampton, MA, has recently moved.  His wife, Dr. Kathleen McCartney, is the new president of Smith College, a liberal arts college for women in Northampton, MA.  To read more about her appointment go to:  http://www.smith.edu/newpresident/
Captain Henry "Mack" 1971, and Carol McClurg Simons 1971, Virginia Beach,  celebrated the marriage of their daughter Noelle on October 19 2013 with their antique 1924 American LaFrance fire truck as the "get away vehicle".

Dudley Burt 1972, Atlanta, GA, currently lives in a coastal Chinese city of Yantai. He retired from public school education after 32 years and then worked in private school education for 5 years in Beijing, China. He is beginning a new language school with a Chinese family and administration to work with young learners, middle learners, and adult learners who wish to develop and improve their English language skills. He is currently the Principal/Instructional Consultant of Yantai Ever-Developing International English.
Jovan Estrada 2013, Felton Delaware, is employed by Brewton-Parker College as an Athletic Trainer.
Diana Knox 1979, Greensboro, on the passing of her husband, William Knox, on December 2, 2013. Article: http://www.asanet.org/footnotes/mayjun13/emeritus_0513.html#sthash.WzdkoVPU.dpuf
Mary Kathryn Buie Bracey 1984, Eastover, on the passing of her Aunt Kathryn McNairy Gaus 1947 on December 3, 2013.
Thomas Jackson to Kristen Crutchfield Brown 2004 and husband Jeremy Brown on December 3, 2013.

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